4 Recruitment Trends You’re Behind On

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller’s life philosophy is a few decades old by now, but it’s more true than ever, with today’s relentless pace. It applies in life (work-life balance!), but also when it comes to taking a minute to assess what’s going on in the HR world, and how to realign yourself as necessary. Let’s look at several big recruitment trends that are reshaping the industry as we know it so that you can ensure that your organization is doing everything it needs to do to stay competitive.

1. Social Recruiting

For so long, reaching passive candidates has been a Holy Grail in recruitment. They’re untapped potential, sitting there just out of the reach of job postings and other targeted outreach. Chances are, your organization has social media accounts at all the big sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), but how are you leveraging those? Are you posting frequently? Following up with @s and other mentions? It’s not just about posting your latest job openings, but also about showcasing your employer brand. Maximizing your social recruitment means easier conversions among Millennials and other younger generations of job seekers.

2. Mobile Recruiting

This actually goes hand-in-hand with increased social media presence and outreach. People are usually checking their social media accounts on phones or tablets, so it’s important to make sure that you’re maximizing your job listing links and websites for the mobile experience. With more and more people applying to jobs online, mobile flexibility also opens you up to more submissions. Otherwise, you can lose candidates who want to apply but get sidetracked or change their minds before they can complete the process on a computer instead of a phone or tablet.

3. Automation

Data is the key to smarter, faster, more efficient recruitment. And the way to take in and leverage the levels of data you need to boost your recruiting to the next level is by using an artificial intelligence (AI) platform. An automated platform performs tasks traditional done by the, well, human resources on your HR team: coordinating ad placement, reaching out to potential candidates with links, reading and organizing resumes, scheduling interviews or pre-flight tests and checks, etc. Programmatic platforms can be set to do any number of those tasks, freeing up your valuable staff resources to do more evaluative and qualitative work instead of paperwork.

And don’t forget one of the biggest assets of using data to make predictions and help you make decisions in real-time—it takes some of the guesswork out of putting job ads on particular sites, or using varying methods of outreach and hoping for the best. Based on the engagement data you receive with an AI platform, that data can help you make impactful, strategic decisions faster than ever.

Automation also has perks like easier pre-hire assessments, sent automatically to applicants before they reach an in-person interview stage. Quizzes and tests can help fill out a candidate’s profile and gather is with their resume, cover letter, and other data points collected throughout the application process.

4. Digital Onboarding

When new employees start work, you know how much time can be spent on preliminaries before they even get started on the mechanics of the new job: benefits information, questionnaires, gathering employee data. Moving that into a digital space (and potentially into the time between the job offer and the start date) helps ease the employee transition. Using an automated system to gather these materials into an online portal (again, one that can be created and maintained with an AI platform), and giving new employees a log-in, it starts the clock a little earlier than 9 a.m. on the start date. Employees come to work having completed basic onboarding tasks or armed with questions about the information they’ve already received, making the onboarding time more effective and less overwhelming.

Taking the time to look at the current hiring trends and your organization’s progress toward embracing them is the right move to make for your long-term recruiting health. This step converts the trends from buzzwords to strategy and will help prepare you for the trends and changes that are still to come.

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